
Publication on our latest hydrogen measurements

Beating our previous precision record: The preprints of our latest publication are available! In this work we test a new method to determine the antihydrogen hyperfine splitting with hydrogen and constrain special types of symmetry breaking.


A letter titled "CPT and Lorentz symmetry tests with hydrogen using a novel in-beam hyperfine spectroscopy method applicable to antihydrogen experiments" has been submitted recently containing the main results of the PhD thesis of Lilian Nowak.

Please find the preprints on the servers of [CERN] and the [arXiv].

We present a Rabi-type measurement of two ground-state hydrogen hyperfine transitions performed in two opposite external magnetic field directions. This puts first constraints at the level of 2.3 10-21 GeV on a set of coefficients of the Standard Model Extension, which were not measured by previous experiments. Moreover, we introduce a novel method, applicable to antihydrogen hyperfine spectroscopy in a beam, that determines the zero-field hyperfine transition frequency from the two transitions measured at the same magnetic field. Our value, ν0 = 1.420 405 751 63(63) GHz, is in agreement with literature at a relative precision of 0.44 ppb. This is the highest precision achieved on hydrogen in a beam, improving over previous results by a factor of 6.